🟤 Embrace Ease Fridays — January 26, 2024

Embrace Ease Fridays

Hi Reader,

I don't think I'd be here today if it weren't for someone's help.

It's true. In fact, only two years into being married, my husband Vince and I almost split up. Why?

Because we didn't think—not in the slightest bit—that we needed help.

That's right. While other couples mark their first few months of wedded bliss as the honeymoon phase, for us, it was the complete opposite.

As first-time parents who also happened to be babies ourselves in this business, we had no idea of the kind of difficulty we had to endure as we tried to tread this pursuit of working while child-rearing. We struggled in everything—from learning digital and management skills to learning how to change diapers—all the work necessary to grow our income and build our family. Plus, we could never keep up with the insane amount of effort required to do household chores! The cleaning, the cooking, and the laundry were never-ending!

Rest seemed futile. Sleep was out of the question. And you can already guess what happened next: petty fights became intense word wars.

We exchanged blows as if we didn't exchange "I do's."

We struggled and got too overwhelmed with everything, and just about anything. We felt like we failed each other, our baby, and our marriage. Hence, the almost-decision to end it... It felt like our worst nightmare.

And it's a chapter we swore to close and never go back to.

After much-needed multiple rounds of less-heated conversations, Vince and I agreed to hire house help. At first, we were hesitant, considering it would take up a sizable portion of our income; more so, at the time, we were still doing freelancing, which did not offer us much financial stability. All that, and the fact that Vince had only recently resigned as a hotelier and was still getting the ropes in how he could join me in the online world.

We we’re too tired of the situation that also got too demanding every minute, and also too afraid about hiring help because it meant more responsibility, another bill to pay.

It's a good thing we took the risk because it was truly life-changing.

Having someone who could help us has made a huge difference in our lives. I no longer have to spend too much time thinking about what will be our next meal every day of our lives, nor will I be glued to the kitchen cooking the entire day! As for Vince, he no longer has to do the dishes or do the laundry, and no more accidentally dyeing our white clothes blue! LOL. And we wouldn't have to take turns sweeping and mopping the floor because we know it's already taken care of. What's also amazing is that we managed to make it out alive (lol) during our second pregnancy while tending to our eldest, who's a toddler, and even after bringing out Baby No. 2, so everybody's really happy!

Who would've thought that to become the best husband and wife for each other, as well as good parents for our kids, all we needed was to seek help?

Taking that risk led us to the greatest decision we could ever hope for: creating this business and growing it by supporting other business owners to do exactly that, too.

It's been five years since we made the incredible choice to make our lives easy by hiring help, and what I'm most thankful (and relieved, actually!) about is that by taking that leap of faith, it made us happier in our relationship as a couple and as a family—all because tasks are now properly delegated. Looking back, we never would have guessed that it only took two small steps to get us closer to the life that we love today: 1) to acknowledge that we needed help, and then 2) to seek the right kind of help. Trust me, it's all worth it! I'm still happily married to my best friend and Co-Founder Vince, and right now, the demands that we only need to focus on are from our three babies—Eliana, Zia, and our other baby: this business.

The perks and the freedom that we get by having the right kind of help inspired us to do the same for our business operations, enabling us to scale with ease and confidence.

That's why when clients ask us how we make it look so easy, we only have one word for them: delegation.


Mastering Delegation: Your Guide to Successful Outsourcing

Doing everything often leads to burnout, inefficiency, and missed opportunities. That’s why one of the best decisions you’ll need to make as a business owner is to master delegation.

Christy's Corner

Welcome to my little space as a momma who tries to gracefully embrace work-life ease—


Now Bingeing On

Marry My Husband

I'm rooting for the wife here to come out winning in this ultimate cosmic do-over!

Love the sweet message about second chances, trusting your gut, and finding real love unexpectedly (this, I can relate to! lol).


Travel Bits

Plan ahead with your spouse. Have a meeting to divide up tasks like booking hotels, transportation, and especially, navigation. I’m terrible at reading maps, so my husband Vince takes the lead while I handle the babies.

Anything Goes!

Did you know that Vince and I did NOT have a romantic gf-bf relationship? Yep, we just straight up decided to get married after being friends for so long! We went to the same grade school, he was friends with my brother, and so we immediately became friends since then, too.

Reader's Nook

Meet Dahly

Works as a VA for 5 years now 🥳

Lives in 📍 Digos City, 🇵🇭

Go-To Drink ☕️ Coffee puhleease!

Current Binge is Death's Game 🤭

💖 "My family, they keep me going!"

🏆 Best Practices:

1.) Always showing up no matter what!

2.) Becoming a super hands-on Mom ever since I started my WFH journey, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything else in the world! 🥰

Loves Fridays bc there's not gonna be any early morning cooking for me for the next 2 days! 😁💃


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Embrace Ease Fridays

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See you again on Friday!



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