🟤 Embrace Ease Fridays — Febuary 2, 2024

Embrace Ease Fridays

Hi Reader,

Early this week, I almost broke down.

Full emphasis on the word 'almost', yes. Because, before I could go and unleash another ugly cry to my husband Vince, my unbothered better half (yes, Vince) said, "Oops, not worth it. There's always a way."

I'm sure one way or another, you've been through the same exact thing: not sure how you can duplicate yourself! lol It's frustrating how there always seems so much to do but too little time and not enough you...

It's something I've always struggled, but, indeed, there's always a way...

More often than we can anticipate, life surprises us with a lot of moments like mine... Long lines, heavy traffic, gossip, other people’s negativity, unanswered calls, and any other inconvenience that stops us in our tracks and demands us to choose how we go through it...

Whether we let this moment control us, or be unbothered is up to us.

Of course, I know you're trying and doing you're best (as we all are...huuug!), but the reality is: We can’t expect to be on our standard level of "best" everyday.

That's because every single day, we can have varying definitions of what being at our best looks like. This Monday, you're best could look like making sure you tick 3 items off your weekly checklist, and once it's done you're gonna feel like you've already won the lottery! On Tuesday, you'll probably feel at your best if you'd still be able to hit the gym for an hour, or maybe finish that chapter you've been putting off for months, even after a looong day of client calls and meetings... Or on Wednesday, it could simply be waking up early after you've given yourself a well-deserved 8-hour sleep...All I'm saying is...

Whatever your definition of "best" is, I'm 100% sure it IS!

To be in touch with your truth and remain unbothered is a gift we often forget to give ourselves... On days when it gets too hectic or chaotic, it's important that you slow down, and take one step at a time.

Get enough rest.

Do your skin care or get a massage.

Shut down.

Whatever it is that you need to nourish you, just do it. For you.

Because we can only be the best for others, when we've become our best selves.

We can never choose what life throws at us, but we can always choose how we respond to any given moment. That's our superpower! And it's in these moments when I get reminded of how truly blessed I am for having Vince in my life. Whenever I'm up to my neck at something, or feel lost and down and frustrated, he reminds me to simply slow down...we will find a way.

On that day early this week, as I took deep breaths after getting a pep talk + hug from Vince, I realized how much grace has been given to us—to our family, our company. And that alone silenced my inner thoughts about giving up, and in that moment, I decided to become unbothered. Why?

Because grace alone is bigger than any of my problems.

While doing a little grocery run this afternoon, as I was waiting for my turn to pay, I felt so kilig about how I'm able to buy whatever it is me and my family needed! In fact, God has been so very kind and patient with me for showing me how important it is to truly slow down, inhale each breath, and just be thoughtfully present... And as I sipped my iced latte while I stood in line, I also got reminded of how I'm so grateful that I'm able to have my own amazing team who can take care of my business while I take my slow days and do my little grocery run...

My team—composed of no less than experienced tech experts and creatives who have been such angels—continues to help my business grow even as I take my days off. And to be completely honest, having my own team has been such a great investment because it enables me to nourish myself... and that's how I'm able to stay at my own version of "best": reach my full potential as their CEO, and as a dedicated, hands-on momma to our 2 lovely girls.

With the grace I'm receiving, I intend to let it overflow to those who need my support to become their own best, too.

Let me show you the way...


Work-Life Balance: How To Thank Your Solopreneur Self Later

As a solopreneur, you’re more than just the 1) heart and soul of your own business; you’re also the 2) hands and feet that make it all happen. But, how long can you keep it up?

Christy's Corner

Welcome to my little space as a momma who tries to gracefully embrace work-life ease—


Now Bingeing On

Death’s Game (2023)

Ikr, been doing K-drama marathons since January! lol This is actually one of the things I look forward to doing during downtimes...it's my own form of me-time to keep me being in my "best". Btw this was based on a web-series and stars the beautiful Park So-dam, better known for her work in Parasite (2019).


Travel Bits

I'm so excited about the Dubai conference we're going to this month! And I cannot wait to share how it goes with you... For this trip, I've booked our tickets, tours, and hotel via Klooka one-stop shop for everything you need for travelling! Get your own discount using our code: GARCIAS

Anything Goes!

Did you know that my husband Vince was once a Singapore-based hotelier? He left this job to pursue his passion for *drum roll* computer programming! He's self-taught, and amazingly, has all the skills that I don't! Talk about complementing each other... 🥰

Reader's Nook

Meet Ara

Works as an analyst 🌞 & copywriter🌙

Lives in 📍 Davao City, 🇵🇭

Go-To Drink Coffee 4ever!!! ☕️☕️☕️

Current Binge is House of Cards 🏛️

💖 Philippians 4:13 ✨💪

🏆 Best Practices:

1.) Putting (what I think is) my best foot forward even if I'm limping/scared 😬

2.) Being open to feedback, however it's given, bc that's how we grow! 😉

Loves Fridays bc there's Embrace Ease Fridays! YASSSS


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Embrace Ease Fridays

Huuug if you love my emails!

Awwe... Well, that's 'cause you're the reason we keep on bringing out the goodies! So, if you're liking this free newsletter, here are some ways you can spread the joy (and maybe buy us coffee? lol) :

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See you again on Friday!



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